September 2016 Chart

Download the Top 20 pdf document

1. Refugees for RefugeesAmerli – Muziekpublique (1=)
2. Kayhan Kalhor, Aynur, Cemîl Qoçgirî & Salman GambarovHawniyaz – Harmonia Mundi (7-up-)
3. Kristi Stassinopoulou & Stathis KalyviotisNyn – Riverboat Records / World Music Network (21-up-)
4. Ana AlcaideLeyenda – ARC Music (2-down-)
5. Khmer Rouge SurvivorsThey Will Kill You, if You Cry – Glitterbeat Records (23-up-)
6. Kepa Junkera & SorginakMaletak – Fol Música (10-up-)
7. Constantinople & Ablaye CissokoJardins Migrateurs – Ma Case (--up-)
8. Calypso RoseFar from Home – Because Music (5-down-)
9. Lakou MizikWa Di Yo – Cumbancha (3-down-)
10. MabiisiMabiisi – Akwaaba Music (6-down-)

11. Richard Bona & Mandekan CubanoHeritage – Qwest Records (34-up-)
12. Elza SoaresThe Woman at the End of the World / A Mulher do Fim do Mundo – Mais Um Discos (8-down-)
13. Yo-Yo Ma & Silk Road EnsembleSing Me Home – Sony Masterworks (16-up-)
14. TuuletarTules Maas Vedes Taivaal – Bafe’s Factory (--up-)
15. 2016: Afro Celt Sound SystemThe Source – ECC Records (4-down-)
16. M.A.K.U. SoundsystemMezcla – Glitterbeat Records (9-down-)
17. Leyla McCallaA Day for the Hunter, a Day for the Prey – Jazz Village / Harmonia Mundi (11-down-)
18. Quintet BumbacLibre Voyage dans les Musiques des Balkans – Collectif Çok Malko (12-down-)
19. Kimi DjabatéKanamalu – Red Orange Recordings (15-down-)
20. Fanfare Ciocărlia20 – Asphalt Tango Records (29-up-)

21. Vieux KantéThe Young Man’s Harp – Sterns Africa (--up-)
22. Wu Wei & Wang LiOvertones: Les Saisons Harmoniques – Harmonia Mundi (--up-)
23. MiramarDedication to Sylvia Rexach – Barbès Records (--up-)
24. Jean-Guihen Queyras, Bijan Chemirani, Keyvan Chemirani & Sokratis SinopoulosThrace: Sunday Morning Sessions – Harmonia Mundi (--up-)
25. Amjad Ali Khan, Amaan Ali Khan, Ayaan Ali Khan & Elmira DarvarovaAmalgam – Affetto Records
26. BossacucanovaThe Best of Bossacucanova – Six Degrees Records (--up-)
27. SöndörgőLive Wires – Riverboat Records / World Music Network (--up-)
28. Maarja NuutUne Meeles – Marina Records (32-up-)
29. Gerardo Núñez & Ulf WakeniusLogos – ACT Music (14-down-)
30. V.A. – Space Echo: The Mystery Behind the Cosmic Sound of Cabo Verde Finally Revealed – Analog Africa (30=)

31. Anoushka ShankarLand of Gold – Deutsche Grammophon (17-down-)
32. Aziza BrahimAbbar el Hamada – Glitterbeat Records (18-down-)
33. Elektro HafızElektro Hafız – Pharaway Sounds (28-down-)
34. VigüelaTemperamento – ARC Music (22-down-)
35. Derek GripperLibraries on Fire – New Cape Records (37-up-)
36. Afro-Haitian Experimental OrchestraAfro-Haitian Experimental Orchestra – Glitterbeat Records (--up-)
37. La Banda MoriscaAlgarabya – Fol Música (27-down-)
38. Joe Driscoll & Sekou KouyateMonistic Theory – Cumbancha (20-down-)
39. Mor KarbasiOjos de Novia – Alama Records (35-down-)
40. Mi SolarTiempo Libre – Galileo Music (--up-)

Members of the TWMC panel (September 2016 vote): Ángel Romero (US), Araceli Tzigane (ES), Juan Antonio Vázquez (ES), Seth Jordan (AU), Tony Hillier (AU), Charlie Crooijmans (NL), Nigel Wood (IE), Dore Stein (US), Roger Holdsworth (AU), Madan Rao (IN), Gil Medovoy (US), Chris Heim (US), Ciro De Rosa (IT), Scott Stevens (US), Hendrick T S Foh (MY), Cliff Furnald (US), Rob Weisberg (US), Toni Polo (FR/ES), Nicolás Falcoff (AR), Masakazu Kitanaka (JP), Jordi Demésenllà (ES), Rafael Mieses (DO/US), Luís Rei (PT), Jean Trouillet (DE), Evangeline Kim (US), Willi Klopottek (LU/DE), Betto Arcos (MX/US), Thorsten Bednarz (DE), Alejandro López (ES), Jon Kertzer (US), Ken Stowar (CA), Jiří Moravčík (CZ), Mu Qian (CN), Carlos Ferreira (PT), Anna Rzhevina (RU), Gil Rouvio (IL), Bouna Ndiaye (SN), Kutay Derin Kugay (TR), Robert Gregor (SK), Ponxo Taifa Ángeles (MX), Yatrika Shah-Rais (IR/US), Armen Manukyan (AM), Rolf Beydemüller (DE), François Bensignor (FR), Sergey Maiboroda (KZ), Cecilia Aguirre (AR/DE), Husniddin Ato (UZ), Eleni Ziliaskopoulou (GR), Marija Vitas (RS), Jaïr Tchong (NL).

(Position in chart. Artist – Album Title – Label, Publisher… (last month’s position in chart -up--down-=)

August 2016 Chart

Download the Top 20 pdf document

1. Refugees for RefugeesAmerli – Muziekpublique (1=)
2. Ana AlcaideLeyenda – ARC Music (9-up-)
3. Lakou MizikWa Di Yo – Cumbancha (2-down-)
4. 2016: Afro Celt Sound SystemThe Source – ECC Records (3-down-)
5. Calypso RoseFar from Home – Because Music (7-up-)
6. MabiisiMabiisi – Akwaaba Music (13-up-)
7. Kayhan Kalhor, Aynur, Cemîl Qoçgirî & Salman GambarovHawniyaz – Harmonia Mundi (--up-)
8. Elza SoaresThe Woman at the End of the World / A Mulher do Fim do Mundo – Mais Um Discos (10-up-)
9. M.A.K.U. SoundsystemMezcla – Glitterbeat Records (18-up-)
10. Kepa Junkera & SorginakMaletak – Fol Música (22-up-)

11. Leyla McCallaA Day for the Hunter, a Day for the Prey – Jazz Village / Harmonia Mundi (12-up-)
12. Quintet BumbacLibre Voyage dans les Musiques des Balkans – Collectif Çok Malko (8-down-)
13. BombinoAzel – Partisan Records (6-down-)
14. Gerardo Núñez & Ulf WakeniusLogos – ACT Music (33-up-)
15. Kimi DjabatéKanamalu – Red Orange Recordings (17-up-)
16. Yo-Yo Ma & Silk Road EnsembleSing Me Home – Sony Masterworks (4-down-)
17. Anoushka ShankarLand of Gold – Deutsche Grammophon (11-down-)
18. Aziza BrahimAbbar el Hamada – Glitterbeat Records (19-up-)
19. Mahsa VahdatA Cappella: The sun will rise – Kirkelig Kulturverksted (32-up-)
20. Joe Driscoll & Sekou KouyateMonistic Theory – Cumbancha (24-up-)

21. Kristi Stassinopoulou & Stathis KalyviotisNyn – Riverboat / World Music Network (--up-)
22. VigüelaTemperamento – ARC Music (20-down-)
23. Khmer Rouge SurvivorsThey Will Kill You, if You Cry – Glitterbeat Records (--up-)
24. Burak MalçokSaklı Nefes / Hidden Breath – Onearth Records (31-up-)
25. 9BachAnian – Real World Records (16-down-)
26. Djelimady TounkaraDjely Blues – Label Bleu (28-up-)
27. La Banda MoriscaAlgarabya – Fol Música (14-down-)
28. Elektro HafızElektro Hafız – Pharaway Sounds (--up-)
29. Fanfare Ciocărlia20 – Asphalt Tango Records (--up-)
30. V.A. – Space Echo: The Mystery Behind the Cosmic Sound of Cabo Verde Finally Revealed – Analog Africa (--up-)

31. Jean Luc Thomas & Ravichandra KulurMagic Flutes – Hirustica (35-up-)
32. Maarja NuutUne Meeles – Marina Records (39-up-)
33. Mamadou Barry & Afro Groove GangTankadi – Label Bleu (--up-)
34. Richard Bona & Mandekan CubanoHeritage – Qwest Records (--up-)
35. Mor KarbasiOjos de Novia – Alama Records (26-down-)
36. ImarhanImarhan – City Slang (--up-)
37. Derek GripperLibraries on Fire – New Cape Records (--up-)
38. Joseph TawadrosWorld Music – Joseph Tawadros (36-down-)
39. Terra Sangue MareTerra Sangue Mare – Terra Sangue Mare (25-down-)
40. Amjad Ali Khan, Amaan Ali Khan, Ayaan Ali Khan & Elmira DarvarovaAmalgam – Affetto (--up-)

Members of the TWMC panel (August 2016 vote): Juan Antonio Vázquez (ES), Ángel Romero (US), Araceli Tzigane (ES), Seth Jordan (AU), Tony Hillier (AU), Charlie Crooijmans (NL), Nigel Wood (IE), Dore Stein (US), Roger Holdsworth (AU), Madan Rao (IN), Gil Medovoy (US), Chris Heim (US), Ciro De Rosa (IT), Scott Stevens (US), Hendrick T S Foh (MY), Cliff Furnald (US), Rob Weisberg (US), Toni Polo (FR/ES), Nicolás Falcoff (AR), Masakazu Kitanaka (JP), Jordi Demésenllà (ES), Rafael Mieses (DO/US), Luís Rei (PT), Jean Trouillet (DE), Evangeline Kim (US), Willi Klopottek (LU/DE), Betto Arcos (MX/US), Thorsten Bednarz (DE), Alejandro López (ES), Jon Kertzer (US), Ken Stowar (CA), Jiří Moravčík (CZ), Mu Qian (CN), Carlos Ferreira (PT), Anna Rzhevina (RU), Gil Rouvio (IL), Bouna Ndiaye (SN), Kutay Derin Kugay (TR), Robert Gregor (SK), Ponxo Taifa Ángeles (MX), Yatrika Shah-Rais (IR/US), Armen Manukyan (AM), Rolf Beydemüller (DE), François Bensignor (FR), Sergey Maiboroda (KZ), Cecilia Aguirre (AR/DE), Husniddin Ato (UZ), Eleni Ziliaskopoulou (GR), Marija Vitas (RS), Jaïr Tchong (NL).

(Position in chart. Artist – Album Title – Label, Publisher… (last month’s position in chart -up--down-=)

July 2016 Chart

Download the Top 20 pdf document

1. Refugees for RefugeesAmerliMuziekpublique (-arriba)
2. Lakou Mizik Wa Di YoCumbancha (2=)
3. 2016: Afro Celt Sound System The Source ECC Records (4arriba)
4. Yo-Yo Ma & Silk Road Ensemble Sing Me HomeSony Masterworks (5arriba)
5. Afro-Haitian Experimental OrchestraAfro-Haitian Experimental OrchestraGlitterbeat Records (34arriba)
6. Bombino AzelPartisan Records (1abaixo)
7. Calypso Rose Far from HomeBecause Music (32arriba)
8. Quintet Bumbac Libre Voyage dans les Musiques des BalkansCollectif Çok Malko (16arriba)
9. Ana Alcaide LeyendaARC Music (19arriba)
10. Elza Soares The Woman at the End of the World / A Mulher do Fim do MundoMais Um Discos (11arriba)

11. Anoushka Shankar Land of GoldDeutsche Grammophon (6abaixo)
12. Leyla McCallaA Day for the Hunter, a Day for the PreyJazz Village / Harmonia Mundi (-arriba)
13. Mabiisi MabiisiAkwaaba Music (-arriba)
14. La Banda Morisca AlgarabyaFol Música (7abaixo)
15. Damir Imamović’s Sevdah TakhtDvojkaGlitterbeat Records (9abaixo)
16. 9Bach AnianReal World Records (12abaixo)
17. Kimi DjabatéKanamaluRed Orange Recordings (21arriba)
18. M.A.K.U. SoundsystemMezclaGlitterbeat Records (20arriba)
19. Aziza Brahim Abbar el HamadaGlitterbeat Records (3abaixo)
20. Vigüela TemperamentoARC Music (23arriba)

21. DagaDana Meridian 68Karrot Kommando (14abaixo)
22. Kepa JunkeraMaletakFol Música (-arriba)
23. V.A. – Every Song Has its End: Sonic Dispatches from Traditional MaliGlitterbeat Records (18abaixo)
24. Joe Driscoll & Sekou KouyateMonistic TheoryCumbancha (38arriba)
25. Terra Sangue MareTerra Sangue MareTerra Sangue Mare (-arriba)
26. Mor KarbasiOjos de NoviaAlama Records (25abaixo)
27. Sampo Lassila NarinkkaVierailla Mailla / In Strange LandsNarinkaattori Records (-arriba)
28. Djelimady TounkaraDjely BluesLabel Bleu (28=)
29. The Gloaming2Real World Records (13abaixo)
30. Fanfare CiocărliaOnwards to Mars!Asphalt Tango Records (10abaixo)

31. Burak MalçokSaklı Nefes / Hidden BreathOnearth Records (-arriba)
32. Mahsa VahdatA Cappella: The Sun Will RiseKirkelig Kulturverksted (-arriba)
33. Gerardo Núñez & Ulf WakeniusLogosACT Music (-arriba)
34. Stefano Saletti & Banda IkonaSoundcityFinisterre (22abaixo)
35. Jean-Luc Thomas & Ravichandra KulurMagic FlutesHirustica (40arriba)
36. Joseph Tawadros – World Music – Joseph Tawadros (36=)
37. Bitori Legend of Funaná: The Forbidden Music of The Cape Verde IslandsAnalog Africa (-arriba)
38. Konono Nº1 Meets BatidaKonono Nº1 Meets BatidaCrammed Discs (8abaixo)
39. Maarja NuutUne MeelesMarina Records (-arriba)
40. Kel AssoufTikounenIgloo Records (-arriba)

Members of the TWMC panel (July 2016 vote): Araceli Tzigane (ES), Juan Antonio Vázquez (ES), Ángel Romero (US), Seth Jordan (AU), Tony Hillier (AU), Charlie Crooijmans (NL), Nigel Wood (IE), Dore Stein (US), Roger Holdsworth (AU), Madan Rao (IN), Gil Medovoy (US), Chris Heim (US), Ciro De Rosa (IT), Scott Stevens (US), Hendrick T S Foh (MY), Cliff Furnald (US), Rob Weisberg (US), Toni Polo (FR/ES), Nicolás Falcoff (AR), Masakazu Kitanaka (JP), Jordi Demésenllà (ES), Rafael Mieses (DO/US), Luís Rei (PT), Jean Trouillet (DE), Evangeline Kim (US), Willi Klopottek (LU/DE), Betto Arcos (MX/US), Thorsten Bednarz (DE), Alejandro López (ES), Jon Kertzer (US), Ken Stowar (CA), Jiří Moravčík (CZ), Mu Qian (CN), Carlos Ferreira (PT), Anna Rzhevina (RU), Gil Rouvio (IL), Bouna Ndiaye (SN), Kutay Derin Kugay (TR), Robert Gregor (SK), Ponxo Taifa Ángeles (MX), Yatrika Shah-Rais (IR/US), Armen Manukyan (AM), Rolf Beydemüller (DE), François Bensignor (FR), Sergey Maiboroda (KZ), Cecilia Aguirre (AR/DE), Husniddin Ato (UZ), Eleni Ziliaskopoulou (GR), Marija Vitas (RS), Jaïr Tchong (NL).

(Position in chart. ArtistAlbum Title – Label, Publisher… (last month’s position in chart arribaabaixo=)

June 2016 Chart

Download the Top 20 pdf document

1. Bombino AzelPartisan Records (1=)
2. Lakou Mizik Wa Di YoCumbancha (6arriba)
3. Aziza Brahim – Abbar el HamadaGlitterbeat Records (2abaixo)
4. 2016: Afro Celt Sound System The Source ECC Records (21arriba)
5. Yo-Yo Ma & Silk Road Ensemble Sing Me Home – Sony Masterworks (-arriba)
6. Anoushka Shankar Land of GoldDeutsche Grammophon (15arriba)
7. La Banda Morisca AlgarabyaFol Música (4abaixo)
8. Konono Nº1 Meets BatidaKonono Nº1 Meets BatidaCrammed Discs (5abaixo)
9. Damir Imamović’s Sevdah TakhtDvojkaGlitterbeat Records

10. Fanfare CiocărliaOnwards to Mars!Asphalt Tango Records (7abaixo)

11. Elza Soares The Woman at the End of the World / A Mulher do Fim do MundoMais Um Discos (18arriba)
12. 9Bach AnianReal World Records (-arriba)
13. The Gloaming2Real World Records (8abaixo)
14. DagaDana Meridian 68Karrot Kommando (16arriba)
15. Rokia TraoréNé SoNonesuch Records (3abaixo)
16. Quintet Bumbac Libre Voyage dans les Musiques des BalkansCollectif Çok Malko (-arriba)
17. Deolinda Outra HistóriasUniversal Music (-arriba)
18. V.A. – Every Song Has its End: Sonic Dispatches from Traditional MaliGlitterbeat Records (13abaixo)
19. Ana Alcaide LeyendaARC Music (-arriba)
20. M.A.K.U. SoundsystemMezclaGlitterbeat Records (-arriba)

21. Kimi DjabatéKanamaluRed Orange Recordings (38arriba)
22. Stefano Saletti & Banda IkonaSoundcityFinisterre (9abaixo)
23. Vigüela TemperamentoARC Music (32arriba)
24. Las Hermanas CaronniNavega MundosLes Grands Fleuves (14abaixo)
25. Mor KarbasiOjos de NoviaAlama Records (-arriba)
26. Osei KorankyeSeperewa of Ghana: Ɛmmerɛ nyina nsɛAkwaaba Music (31arriba)
27. Alê KaliAlê KaliLa Reverb’ / Rue Stendhal (-arriba)
28. Djelimady TounkaraDjely BluesLabel Bleu (-arriba)
29. Sociedade RecreativaSociedade RecreativaLa Chaudière Production / Jarring Effects (11abaixo)
30. Pedro Soler & Gaspar ClausAl VientoInFiné (22abaixo)

31. Filippo GambettaOtto BaffiFilippo Gambetta (24abaixo)
32. Calypso Rose Far from HomeBecause Music (-arriba)
33. Debo BandEre GobezFPE Records (-arriba)
34. Afro-Haitian Experimental OrchestraAfro-Haitian Experimental OrchestraGlitterbeat Records (-arriba)
35. Afenginn OpusTutl / Westpark Music (40arriba)
36. Joseph TawadrosWorld MusicJoseph Tawadros (36=)
37. SidestepperSupernatural LoveReal World Records (17abaixo)
38. Joe Driscoll & Sekou KouyateMonistic TheoryCumbancha (-arriba)
39. Nii Okai TagoeWest to WestARC Music (-arriba)
40. Jean-Luc Thomas & Ravichandra KulurMagic FlutesHirustica (-arriba)

Members of the TWMC panel (June 2016 vote): Ángel Romero (US), Araceli Tzigane (ES), Juan Antonio Vázquez (ES), Seth Jordan (AU), Tony Hillier (AU), Charlie Crooijmans (NL), Nigel Wood (IE), Dore Stein (US), Roger Holdsworth (AU), Madan Rao (IN), Gil Medovoy (US), Chris Heim (US), Ciro De Rosa (IT), Scott Stevens (US), Hendrick T S Foh (MY), Cliff Furnald (US), Rob Weisberg (US), Toni Polo (FR/ES), Nicolás Falcoff (AR), Masakazu Kitanaka (JP), Jordi Demésenllà (ES), Rafael Mieses (DO/US), Luís Rei (PT), Jean Trouillet (DE), Evangeline Kim (US), Willi Klopottek (LU/DE), Betto Arcos (MX/US), Thorsten Bednarz (DE), Alejandro López (ES), Jon Kertzer (US), Ken Stowar (CA), Jiří Moravčík (CZ), Mu Qian (CN), Carlos Ferreira (PT), Anna Rzhevina (RU), Gil Rouvio (IL), Bouna Ndiaye (SN), Kutay Derin Kugay (TR), Robert Gregor (SK), Ponxo Taifa Ángeles (MX), Yatrika Shah-Rais (IR/US), Armen Manukyan (AM), Rolf Beydemüller (DE), François Bensignor (FR), Sergey Maiboroda (KZ), Cecilia Aguirre (AR/DE), Husniddin Ato (UZ), Eleni Ziliaskopoulou (GR), Marija Vitas (RS).

(Position in chart. Artist – Album Title – Label, Publisher… (last month’s position in chart arribaabaixo=)

May 2016 Chart

Download the Top 20 pdf document

1 Bombino AzelPartisan Records (7arriba)
2 Aziza BrahimAbbar el HamadaGlitterbeat Records (2=)
3 Rokia TraoréNé SoNonesuch Records (1abaixo)
4 La Banda MoriscaAlgarabyaFol Música (9arriba)
5 Konono Nº1 meets BatidaKonono Nº1 meets BatidaCrammed Discs (8arriba)
6 Lakou MizikWa Di YoCumbancha (12arriba)
7 Fanfare CiocărliaOnwards to Mars!Asphalt Tango Records (6abaixo)
8 The Gloaming2Real World Records (4abaixo)
9 Stefano Saletti & Banda IkonaSoundcityFinisterre (-arriba)
10 Katerina TsiridouAman Katerina: A Tribute to Panayiotis ToundasProtasis Music (15arriba)

11 Sociedade RecreativaSociedade RecreativaLa Chaudière Production / Jarring Effects (16arriba)
12 Damir Imamović’s Sevdah Takht DvojkaGlitterbeat Records (-arriba)
13 V.A.Every Song Has its End: Sonic Dispatches from Traditional MaliGlitterbeat Records (28arriba)
14 Las Hermanas CaronniNavega MundosLes Grands Fleuves (3abaixo)
15 Anoushka ShankarLand of GoldDeutsche Grammophon (-arriba)
16 DagaDana Meridian 68Karrot Kommando (-arriba)
17 Sidestepper Supernatural LoveReal World Records (5abaixo)
18 Elza SoaresThe Woman at the End of the World / A Mulher do Fim do MundoMais Um Discos (-arriba)
19 Karsh KaleUpSix Degrees Records (14abaixo)
20 Päre Hausjärvi BeatZebo Records (31arriba)

21 2016: Afro Celt Sound SystemThe SourceECC Records (-arriba)
22 Pedro Soler & Gaspar ClausAl VientoInFiné (-arriba)
23 Pulsar Trio Cäthes TraumT3 Records (-arriba)
24 Filippo GambettaOtto BaffiFilippo Gambetta (-arriba)
25 Eva SalinaLema Lema: Eva Salina Sings Šaban BajramovićVogiton Records (35arriba)
26 Manuel Volpe & Rhabdomantic OrchestraAlboreAgogo Records (-arriba)
27 Zulya and The Children of the UndergroundOn Love & ScienceZulya and The Children of the Undergroud (17abaixo)
28 Amsterdam Klezmer BandOyoyoyAmsterdam Klezmer Band (-arriba)
29 Vesevo  VesevoAgualoca Records (-arriba)
30 Michael Messer’s MitraCall of the BluesKnife Edge Records (17abaixo)

31 Osei KorankyeSeperewa of Ghana: Ɛmmerɛ nyina nsɛAkwaaba Music (32arriba)
32 Vigüela TemperamentoARC Music (30abaixo)
33 (ex aequo) Josemi Carmona & Javier ColinaDe CercaUniversal Music Spain (-arriba)
33 (ex aequo)
Galandum GalundainaQuatradaAçor (26abaixo
35 Claudia AuroraMulher do NorteRed Orange Recordings (-arriba)
36 Joseph TawadrosWorld MusicJoseph Tawadros (-arriba)
37 Rocky MarsianoMeu Kamba Vol. DoisAkwaaba Music (-arriba)
38 Kimi DjabatéKanamaluRed Orange Recordings (-arriba)
39 Seheno Hazo KelyLokanga (-arriba)
40 Afenginn OpusTutl / Westpark Music (-arriba)  

Members of the TWMC panel (April 2016 vote): Juan Antonio Vázquez (ES), Ángel Romero (US), Araceli Tzigane (ES), Seth Jordan (AU), Tony Hillier (AU), Charlie Crooijmans (NL), Nigel Wood (IE), Dore Stein (US), Roger Holdsworth (AU), Madan Rao (IN), Gil Medovoy (US), Chris Heim (US), Ciro De Rosa (IT), Scott Stevens (US), Hendrick T S Foh (MY), Cliff Furnald (US), Rob Weisberg (US), Toni Polo (FR/ES), Nicolás Falcoff (AR), Masakazu Kitanaka (JP), Jordi Demésenllà (ES), Rafael Mieses (DO/US), Luís Rei (PT), Jean Trouillet (DE), Evangeline Kim (US), Willi Klopottek (LU/DE), Betto Arcos (MX/US), Thorsten Bednarz (DE), Alejandro López (ES), Jon Kertzer (US), Ken Stowar (CA), Jiří Moravčík (CZ), Ian Anderson (GB), Mu Qian (CN), Carlos Ferreira (PT), Anna Rzhevina (RU), Gil Rouvio (IL), Bouna Ndiaye (SN), Kutay Derin Kugay (TR), Robert Gregor (SK), Ponxo Taifa Ángeles (MX), Yatrika Shah-Rais (IR/US), Armen Manukyan (AM), Rolf Beydemüller (DE), François Bensignor (FR), Sergey Maiboroda (KZ), Cecilia Aguirre (AR/DE), Husniddin Ato (UZ), Eleni Ziliaskopoulou (GR), Marija Vitas (RS).

(Position in chart Artist Album Title Label, Publisher… (last month’s position in chart arribaabaixo=)

April 2016 Chart

TWMC NOVEMBER 2015Download the Top 20 pdf document

1 Rokia Traoré  Né So – Nonesuch Records (1=)
Aziza Brahim Abbar el HamadaGlitterbeat Records (4arriba)
Las Hermanas Caronni – Navega Mundos – Les Grands Fleuves (5arriba)

4 The Gloaming – – Real World Records (14arriba)
5 Sidestepper – Supernatural Love – Real World Records (3abaixo
Fanfare Ciocărlia – Onwards to Mars! – Asphalt Tango Records (-arriba
Bombino – Azel – Partisan Records (-arriba
8 Konono Nº1 meets Batida – Konono Nº1 meets Batida – Crammed Discs (20arriba
9 La Banda Morisca – Algarabya – Fol Música (-arriba
10 Michael Messer’s Mitra – Call of the Blues – Knife Edge Records (13arriba
11 Baaba Maal – The Traveller  Marathon Artists / Palm Recordings (2abaixo)
12 Lakou Mizik – Wa Di Yo Cumbancha (-arriba
13 Divanhana – Zukva – ARC Music (8abaixo
14 Karsh Kale – Up – Six Degrees Records (-arriba
15 Katerina Tsiridou – Aman Katerina: A Tribute to Panayiotis Toundas – Protasis Music (-arriba)
16 Sociedade Recreativa – Sociedade Recreativa – La Chaudière Production / Jarring Effects (-arriba
17 Zulya and the Children of the Underground – On Love and Science – Zulya and the Children of the Underground (10abaixo)
18 Tęgie Chłopy Dansing – Muzyka Odnaleziona (11abaixo)
19 Élage Diouf Melokáane – Pump Up the World< (17abaixo
20 BandAdriatica – Babilonia – Finisterre (-arriba

21 17 HippiesAnatomy & Metamorphosis – Hipster Records (-arriba
22 TarabbandAshofak Baden – Kap Syd (-arriba
Bixiga 70 III  – Glitterbeat Records (7abaixo
24 UkandanzAwoBuda Musique (-arriba
25 Kreiz Breizh Akademi5ed RoundInnacor (-arriba)  
26 Galandum GalundainaQuatradaAçor (-arriba)  
27 Čači VorbaŠatrikaOriente Musik (19abaixo)  
28 V.A.Every Song Has its End: Sonic Dispatches from Traditional Mali Glitterbeat Records (-arriba
29 Djelimady TounkaraDjely Blues – Label Bleu (-arriba
30 VigüelaTemperamentoARC Music (-arriba)  
31 Päre Hausjärvi BeatZebo Records (-arriba)  
32 Osei KorankyeSeperewa of Ghana: Emmerε nyina nsεAkwaaba Music (-arriba
33 RAMRAM 6: Manman m se Ginen Willibelle Publishing & Sales (-arriba
34 Imran & Lorenzo Journey of JoyCreative Karma (-arriba)
35 Eva Salina Lema Lema: Eva Salina Sings Šaban Bajramović – Vogiton Records (-arriba
36 Gera BertoloneLa Sicilienne – Sonora Recordings (-arriba
37 Faith i BrankoGypsy Lover – World Music Network (-arriba
38 Kel Assouf Tikounen Igloo Records (-arriba
39 Elíades Ochoa & Alma Latina – Guajira Más GuajiraTumi Records (-arriba
40 Debo BandEre GobezFPE Records (-arriba)

Members of the TWMC panel (April 2016 vote): Araceli Tzigane (ES), Juan Antonio Vázquez (ES), Ángel Romero (US),  Seth Jordan (AU), Tony Hillier (AU), Charlie Crooijmans (NL), Nigel Wood (IE), Dore Stein (US), Roger Holdsworth (AU), Madan Rao (IN), Gil Medovoy (US), Chris Heim (US), Ciro De Rosa (IT), Scott Stevens (US), Hendrick T.S. Foh (MY), Cliff Furnald (US), Rob Weisberg (US), Toni Polo (FR/ES), Nicolás Falcoff (AR), Masakazu Kitanaka (JP), Jordi Demésenllà (ES), Rafael Mieses (DO/US), Luís Rei (PT), Jean Trouillet (DE), Evangeline Kim (US), Willi Klopottek (LU/DE), Betto Arcos (MX/US), Thorsten Bednarz (DE), Alejandro López (ES), Jon Kertzer (US), Ken Stowar (CA), Jiří Moravčík (CZ), Ian Anderson (GB), Mu Qian (CN), Carlos Ferreira (PT), Dubi Lenz (IL), Anna Rzhevina (RU), Gil Rouvio (IL), Bouna Ndiaye (SN), Kutay Derin Kugay (TR), Robert Gregor (SK), Ponxo Taifa Ángeles (MX), Yatrika Shah-Rais (IR/US), Armen Manukyan (AM), Rolf Beydemüller (DE), Stani Goma (CG/AU), François Bensignor (FR), Sergey Maiboroda (KZ), Cecilia Aguirre (AR/DE), Husniddin Ato (UZ).

(Position in chart Artist Album Title Label/Publisher (last month’s position in chart arribaabaixo=)

March 2016 Chart

Download the pdf documentTWMC NOVEMBER 2015

1 Rokia Traoré  Né So – Nonesuch Records (-arriba
Baaba Maal – The Traveller  Marathon Artists / Palm Recordings (1abaixo
Sidestepper – Supernatural Love – Real World Records (5arriba

4 Aziza Brahim Abbar el HamadaGlitterbeat Records (-arriba
Las Hermanas Caronni – Navega Mundos – Les Grands Fleuves (12arriba

Shye Ben Tzur, Jonny Greenwood & The Rajasthan Express – Junun – Nonesuch Records (2abaixo

Bixiga 70 – III – Glitterbeat Records (8arriba
8 Divanhana
 – Zukva – ARC Music (-arriba
Vieux Farka Touré & Julia Easterlin – Touristes – Six Degrees Records (7abaixo

10 Zulya and the Children of the Underground – On Love and Science – Zulya and the Children of the Underground
11 Tęgie Chłopy 
Dansing – Muzyka Odnaleziona (-arriba
12 Lura – Herança – Lusafrica (4abaixo
13 Michael Messer’s Mitra – Call of the Blues – Knife Edge Records (15arriba

14 The Gloaming  Real World Records (-arriba
15 Dizu Plaatjies and Friends – Ubuntu-The Common String – Mountain Records (6abaixo

16 Sam Lee & Friends – The Fade in Time – The Nest Collective (11abaixo

17 Élage Diouf Melokáane – Pump Up the World (-arriba
18 Bareto – Impredecible  World Village (13abaixo

19 Čači Vorba – Šatrika – Oriente Musik (3abaixo
20 Konono Nº1 meets Batida – Konono Nº1 meets Batida – Crammed Discs (-arriba

Members of the TWMC panel (March 2016 vote): Ángel Romero (US), Araceli Tzigane (ES), Juan Antonio Vázquez (ES), Seth Jordan (AU), Tony Hillier (AU), Charlie Crooijmans (NL), Nigel Wood (IE), Dore Stein (US), Roger Holdsworth (AU), Madan Rao (IN), Gil Medovoy (US), Chris Heim (US), Ciro De Rosa (IT), Scott Stevens (US), Hendrick T.S. Foh (MY), Cliff Furnald (US), Rob Weisberg (US), Toni Polo (FR/ES), Nicolás Falcoff (AR), Masakazu Kitanaka (JP), Jordi Demésenllà (ES), Rafael Mieses (DO/US), Luís Rei (PT), Jean Trouillet (DE), Evangeline Kim (US), Willi Klopottek (LU/DE), Betto Arcos (MX/US), Thorsten Bednarz (DE), Alejandro López (ES), Jon Kertzer (US), Ken Stowar (CA), Jiří Moravčík (CZ), Ian Anderson (GB), Mu Qian (CN), Carlos Ferreira (PT), Dubi Lenz (IL), Anna Rzhevina (RU), Gil Rouvio (IL), Bouna Ndiaye (SN), Kutay Derin Kugay (TR), Robert Gregor (SK), Ponxo Taifa Ángeles (MX), Yatrika Shah-Rais (IR/US), Armen Manukyan (AM), Rolf Beydemüller (DE), Stani Goma (CG/AU), François Bensignor (FR), Sergey Maiboroda (KZ).

(Position in chart Artist Album Title Label/Publisher (last month’s position in chart arribaabaixo=)

February 2016 Chart

Download the pdf documentTWMC NOVEMBER 2015

1 Baaba Maal  The Traveller  Marathon Artists / Palm Recordings (-arriba)
Shye Ben Tzur, Jonny Greenwood & The Rajasthan Express  Junun – Nonesuch Records (8arriba)
Čači Vorba 
 Šatrika – Oriente Musik (11arriba)
Lura – Herança – Lusafrica (1abaixo)
 Supenatural Love – Real World Records (-arriba)
Dizu Plaatjies and Friends 
– Ubuntu-The Common String – Mountain Records (7arriba)
Vieux Farka Touré & Julia Easterlin – Touristes – Six Degrees Records (3abaixo)
Bixiga 70
 – III – Glitterbeat Records (9arriba)
– La Route Interieure – Les Chantiers Sonores (4abaixo)
10 Kreiz Breizh Akademi
 – 5ed Round – Innacor (6abaixo)
11 Sam Lee & Friends 
– The Fade in Time – The Nest Collective (2abaixo)
12 Las Hermanas Caronni – Navega Mundos – Les Grands Fleuves (-arriba)
13 Bareto
– Impredecible – World Village (-arriba)
14 Oratnitza – Folktron  Fusion Embassy (12abaixo)
15 Michael Messer’s Mitra
 – Call of the Blues – Knife Edge Records (-arriba)
16 Dimitris Mystakidis 
– Esperanto  Fishbowl (-arriba)
17 Kandia Kouyaté – Renascence Sterns Music (5abaixo)
18 Sahra Halgan Trio 
– Faransiskiyo Somalilan – Buda Musique (13abaixo)
19 Bayarbaatar Davaasuren – The Art of Mongolian Khöömii (Throat Singing) – ARC Music (-arriba)
20 Zulya and the Children of the Underground – On Love and Science – Zulya and the Children of the Underground (-arriba)  

Members of the TWMC panel (February 2016 vote): Juan Antonio Vázquez (ES), Ángel Romero (US), Araceli Tzigane (ES), Seth Jordan (AU), Tony Hillier (AU), Charlie Crooijmans (NL), Nigel Wood (IE), Dore Stein (US), Roger Holdsworth (AU), Madan Rao (IN), Gil Medovoy (US), Chris Heim (US), Ciro De Rosa (IT), Scott Stevens (US), Hendrick T.S. Foh (MY), Cliff Furnald (US), Rob Weisberg (US), Toni Polo (FR/ES), Nicolás Falcoff (AR), Masakazu Kitanaka (JP), Jordi Demésenllà (ES), Rafael Mieses (DO/US), Luís Rei (PT), Jean Trouillet (DE), Evangeline Kim (US), Willi Klopottek (LU/DE), Betto Arcos (MX/US), Thorsten Bednarz (DE), Alejandro López (ES), Jon Kertzer (US), Ken Stowar (CA), Jiří Moravčík (CZ), Ian Anderson (GB), Mu Qian (CN), Carlos Ferreira (PT), Dubi Lenz (IL), Anna Rzhevina (RU), Gil Rouvio (IL), Bouna Ndiaye (SN), João Flávio Lima (BR), Kutay Derin Kugay (TR), Robert Gregor (SK), Ponxo Taifa Ángeles (MX), Yatrika Shah-Rais (IR/US), Armen Manukyan (AM), Rolf Beydemüller (DE)

(Position in chart Artist Album Title Label/Publisher (last month’s position in chart arribaabaixo=)

January 2016 Chart

Download the pdf documentTWMC NOVEMBER 2015

1 Lura Herança Lusafrica (6arriba)
2 Sam Lee & Friends The Fade in Time The Nest Collective (3arriba)
Vieux Farka Touré & Julia Easterlin Touristes Six Degrees Records (10arriba)
4 L’Attirail La Route Interieure Les Chantiers Sonores (15arriba)
5 Kandia Kouyaté Renascence Stern’s Music (2abaixo)
6 Kreiz Breizh Akademi 5ed Round Innacor (-arriba)
7 Dizu Plaatjies and Friends Ubuntu-The Common String Mountain Records (8arriba)
8 Shye Ben Tzur, Jonny Greenwood & The Rajasthan Express Junun Nonesuch Records (-arriba)
9 Bixiga 70 III Glitterbeat Records (1abaixo)
10 Ballaké Sissoko & Vincent Segal Musique de Nuit Nø Førmat! / Six Degrees Records (11arriba)
11 Čači Vorba Šatrika Oriente Musik (20arriba)
12 Oratnitza Folktron Fusion Embassy (-arriba)
13 Sahra Halgan Trio Faransiskiyo Somaliland Buda Musique (-arriba)
14 Polyversal Souls Invisible Joy Philophon (-arriba)
15 Lemon Bucket Orkestra Moorka Lemon Bucket Orkestra (-arriba)
16 Carles Dénia i La Nova Rimaire L’Home Insomne Comboi Records (4abaixo)
17 Griselda Sanderson Radial Waulk Records (17=)
18 Te Vaka Amataga Warm Earth Records (16abaixo)
19 Zohar Fresco Tof Miriam Zohar Fresco (18abaixo)
20 V.A. Lost in Mali Riverboat / World Music Network (5abaixo)

Members of the TWMC panel (January 2016 vote): Araceli Tzigane (ES), Ángel Romero (US), Juan Antonio Vázquez (ES), Seth Jordan (AU), Tony Hillier (AU), Charlie Crooijmans (NL), Patrik Lindgren (SE), Nigel Wood (IE), Dore Stein (US), Roger Holdsworth (AU), Madan Rao (IN), Gil Medovoy (US), Chris Heim (US), Ciro De Rosa (IT), Scott Stevens (US), Hendrick T.S. Foh (MY), Cliff Furnald (US), Jaïr Tchong (NL), Rob Weisberg (US), Toni Polo (FR/ES), Nicolás Falcoff (AR), Masakazu Kitanaka (JP), Jordi Demésenllà (ES), Rafael Mieses (DO/US), Luís Rei (PT), Jean Trouillet (DE), Evangeline Kim (US), Willi Klopottek (LU/DE), Betto Arcos (MX/US), Thorsten Bednarz (DE), Alejandro López (ES), Jon Kertzer (US), Ken Stowar (CA), Jiří Moravčík (CZ), Ian Anderson (GB), Mu Qian (CN), Carlos Ferreira (PT), Dubi Lenz (IL), Anna Rzhevina(RU), Gil Rouvio (IL), Bouna Ndiaye (SN), João Flávio Lima (BR), Kutay Derin Kugay (TR), Robert Gregor (SK)

(Position in chart Artist Album Title Label/Publisher (last month’s position in chart arribaabaixo=)

Best of 2015 Chart

Download the PDF documentTWMC OCTOBER 2015

  1. Bassekou Kouyaté & Ngoni BaBa PowerGlitterbeat Records
  2. Sam Lee & FriendsThe Fade in TimeThe Nest Collective
  3. Bixiga 70IIIGlitterbeat Records
  4. Monsieur DoumaniSikosesMonsieur Doumani
  5. Canzoniere Grecanico SalentinoQuarantaPonderosa Music & Art
  6. Lila DownsBalas y ChocolateSony Music
  7. Ludovico EinaudiTaranta ProjectPonderosa Music & Art
  8. Efrén López – El Fill del LlopBuda Musique
  9. Cheikh Lô BalbalouChapter Two Records
  10. Songhoy Blues Music in ExileTransgressive Records
  11. Totó la MomposinaTamboleroReal World Records
  12. Ballaké Sissoko & Vincent Ségal Musique de NuitNø Førmat! / Six Degrees Records
  13. LuraHerançaLusafrica
  14. BKO Quintet Bamako TodayBuda Musique
  15. Kapela Maliszów Mazurki NiepojęteKarrot Kommando
  16. Pat Thomas and Kwashibu Area Band Pat Thomas and Kwashibu Area BandStrut Records
  17. Kandia Kouyaté RenascenceSterns Music
  18. Taraf de Haïdouks Of Lovers, Gamblers and Parachute SkirtsCrammed Discs
  19. Buena Vista Social ClubLost and FoundWorld Circuit
  20. Kardeş Türküler KerwanêNetwork Medien / Membran / Kalan Müzik
  21. TerakaftAloneOuthere Records
  22. Tiganá SantanaTempo & MagmaAjabu!
  23. Kelly Thoma 7 FishKelly Thoma
  24. El NaánCódigo de BarrosARC Music
  25. Mbongwana Star From KinshasaWorld Circuit
  26. Dizu Plaatjies and Friends Ubuntu-The Common StringMountain Records
  27. Amadou BalakéIn ConclusionSterns Music
  28. Youssou N’Dour et le Super Étoile de DakarFatteliku (Live in Athens 1987)Real World Records
  29. Carles Dénia i La Nova RimaireL’Home InsomneComboi Records
  30. Griselda SandersonRadialWaulk Records
  31. Souad Massi – El MutakallimûnWrasse Records
  32. Samba TouréGandadiko Glitterbeat Records
  33. Le Vent Du Nord TêtuBorealis Records
  34. Vieux Farka Touré & Julia EasterlinTouristesSix Degrees Records
  35. Fatoumata Diawara & Roberto FonsecaAt HomeJazz Village / Harmonia Mundi
  36. Anouar BrahemSouvenanceECM Records
  37. Daby Touré AmonafiCumbancha
  38. Titi Robin avec Mehdi Nassouli TaziriWorld Village / Harmonia Mundi
  39. Blick Bassy AköNø Førmat!
  40. The Souljazz Orchestra ResistanceStrut Records
  41. St GermainSt GermainNonesuch Records
  42. Anoushka Shankar HomeDeutsche Grammophon
  43. Seckou Keita22 StringsARC Music
  44. Officina ZoèMamma SirenaAnima Mundi
  45. Te Vaka AmatagaWarm Earth Records
  46. Lamia Bedioui & The Desert FishAthamraLamia Bedioui & The Desert Fish
  47. Den Sorte SkoleIndians & CowboysDen Sorte Skole
  48. BoloBoloBolo Music
  49. Čači Vorba ŠatrikaOriente Musik
  50. Mahsa VahdatTraces of an Old VineyardKirkelig Kulturverksted

Members of the TWMC panel (Best of 2015 vote): Ángel Romero (US), Juan Antonio Vázquez (ES), Araceli Tzigane (ES), Seth Jordan (AU), Tony Hillier (AU), Charlie Crooijmans (NL), Patrik Lindgren (SE), Nigel Wood (IE), Dore Stein (US), Roger Holdsworth (AU), Madan Rao (IN), Gil Medovoy (US), Chris Heim (US), Ciro De Rosa (IT), Scott Stevens (US), Hendrick T.S. Foh (MY), Cliff Furnald (US), Jaïr Tchong (NL), Rob Weisberg (US), Toni Polo (FR/ES), Nicolás Falcoff (AR), Masakazu Kitanaka (JP), Jordi Demésenllà (ES), Rafael Mieses (DO), Luís Rei (PT), Jean Trouillet (DE), Evangeline Kim (US), Willi Klopottek (LU/DE), Betto Arcos (MX/US), Thorsten Bednarz (DE), Alejandro López (ES), Jon Kertzer (US), Ken Stowar (CA), Jiří Moravčík (CZ), Ian Anderson (GB), Mu Qian (CN), Carlos Ferreira (PT), Dubi Lenz (IL), Anna Rzhevina (RU), Gil Rouvio (IL), Bouna Ndiaye (SN), João Flávio Lima (BR), Kutay Derin Kugay (TR)